Keep up to date on all the student travel news you need to know.

There’s truly nothing like seeing a Broadway show, and adding a performance to your student travel itinerary is a decision you’ll be thanking yourself for many years down the line. ETI can help make it a reality for you and your students! From beloved classics to fresh takes on long-told tales, come along as we explore which Broadway shows are popular right now in New York City that students will enjoy and how you could win two free tickets to a Broadway show! 


For Megan Hayes, Band Director for grades five through 12 at Elmwood Local Schools in Bloomdale, Ohio, ETI has been a fixture in her life ever since she herself was a high school student.

Many will agree: Georgia's capital city is unlike any other. Atlanta played an important role in both the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, so it’s no surprise that student travel to the area is mostly driven by the notable historical museums and sites, along with many outdoor music and theatre venues.