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Ryan Frosteg has been in the hospitality and travel industry for over 20 years, starting with Walt Disney World in 2002. Frosteg is far from a new face in the ETI family—he’s been part of the team as a Tour Director for 14 years and has recently stepped into a Trip Coordinator role! Frosteg, who comes from a family of educators, finds it thrilling to see how much can be learned from travel. In the next few years, Frosteg hopes to get a lot more stamps on his National Parks Passport. Keep reading to get to know him a bit better!

What’s your favorite travel destination?

I’m not great at choosing favorites but me and a couple of friends take a trip to a new destination every year and wherever we are at the time always seems to be my current favorite; most recently, Jekyll Island, Georgia.

What got you interested in travel initially and what makes you passionate about student travel today?

Most of my memories growing up tend to be of places my parents took me and my brothers. We always had a blast so I guess I just never outgrew the love of travel and all of the unique activities you can find on the road.

Student travel gives me an opportunity to show students and chaperones a world unlike their own. We have a very limited amount of time in life when we’re able to be with friends in the capacity that student travel offers. Having traveled with my middle school in seventh grade and still having jokes about parts of that trip with old friends, it thrills me to know that I’m helping make memories that students will still talk about 30 years later.

What’s your most treasured travel memory, or the best thing you’ve learned while traveling?

On a trip to LA, a few friends and I walked miles to get to the top of the mountain with the Hollywood sign, only to find we had been on the wrong hill the whole time. It took so long that we were going to miss the last train back to Anaheim, so we called a cab to pick us up from the address we were currently standing at. When the owners of the house overheard us give out their address from their backyard, they invited us into their cookout for drinks while we waited for the cab. We never saw the Hollywood sign but we still talk about trying to!

If you were stranded in an airport, what three things would you want with you?

Skittles, a golf cart to scoot around in, and a fluffy puppy to ride shotgun.

What’s one thing you would recommend every student group do while traveling?

Make sure there’s time for just being in your destination. It’s easy to get stuck in the “What next? What next? What next?” cycle. But the best stories are usually from the 20 minutes the group sat on the lawn and the sprinklers came on. So, leave time to just hang out and be present.

What destination on your bucket list do you most want to visit?

Dawes Glacier, Alaska.

What’s your favorite activity while traveling, or something you’ve always wanted to try?

I love trying treats when I travel. I usually find myself at local candy shoppes or bakeries, but I love a nice dinner out, as well.

Courtesy of ETI.


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