Keep up to date on all the student travel news you need to know.

Its picturesque skyline isn’t the only reason Chicago is always a popular choice for student groups! The Windy City has some serious attractions groups won’t want to miss. Taking in the beauty of the natural world at, performing at the Field Museum, enjoying some serious entertainment with the Blue Man Group and perusing the Magnificent Mile are just a few examples. Learn what else awaits your students in Chicago!

Whether you’re setting out on an education-packed adventure or getting ready to show off your hard work on a performance trip, traveling with students is always sure to be an unforgettable experience. However, traveling during the colder months can present additional considerations, such as packing. Luckily, there are some tips you can use yourself—and pass along to students—to ditch the stress that comes along with traveling during the snowy season.

Pennsylvania has much to offer student travelers and is a popular student travel destination for a reason! From chocolate and rollercoasters to wild animals and panoramic views, come along as we explore what students could uncover in both Hershey and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.