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HOLT, Mich., July 11, 2017 — Educational Tours, Inc. is pleased to announce that longtime student group travel expert, Darla Goudie, has joined our team as a Travel Consultant.

Darla has 25 years of experience working in the tourism and hospitality fields. Most recently, she was the owner and founder of Group Hospitality, LLC, a company that assisted tour operators and suppliers in understanding and meeting the unique needs of the student group travel market.

Picture this: you’ve finally reached your trip destination. You’re beyond excited for your group to see the event you spent a year planning. Then, you look up only to see most of the students staring at their smart phones. You’re awash in disappointment.

This situation is all-too common on educational trips. It can be hard to compete with SnapChat, Instagram and text messaging. We’d like to help you encourage your students to put the device away and absorb the experience around them, but first, we should acknowledge that smart phones do offer some respectable benefits.

The travel industry is filled with rewards and challenges. Often, the challenges stand out: People are quick to respond when things go wrong, or perhaps not as well as expected.

In my 27 years of working in the travel industry, a handful of e-mails and thank-you notes have truly touched my heart. These notes are wonderful reminders of what makes this career so special. I recently received a note that stood out, amidst the hectic spring travel season when things feel overwhelming and stressful.