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Dani Fluegeman began her journey planning trips as an ETI intern in 2018. Her internship grew into a full-time career as a Trip Coordinator, where she now organizes trips and ensures that her clients’ experiences exceed their expectations. Dani’s hobbies outside of work include knitting, listening to music and planning future trips.

After already getting to know Dani a bit in the past, we caught up with her to see what she’s been up to lately!

Where's the last place you traveled to and what was your favorite thing you did while there?

I just returned from a trip to Washington State. The highlight of my trip was a guided group tour of Mount Rainier—it was a beautiful national park, even if it was covered in clouds and fog! 

What's your best travel tip or trick?

My best travel tip is always making sure you have a back-up external battery when traveling. You never want to be in a situation where your phone dies and you’re in an unfamiliar area!

What's your favorite book, podcast or media you've enjoyed recently?

I listen to many podcasts but my current favorite is “Perfect Person”—it’s a call-in advice comedy podcast.

What's something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I’m not sure if it’s too surprising at this point but I love to knit and can usually be found knitting in my free time.


Courtesy of ETI.


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