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Getting parents and students invested in your potential trip is crucial in taking it from simply an idea on paper to eventually making it an exciting reality. If you’re unsure of where to begin, consider some of these tried-and-true tips below.


Talk about your trip in class and share the history and background of your potential destination. If you’ve done this trip in the past, share photos or have a past student come in to share what they enjoyed about the experience. You could also let your students create a board in the classroom or hall to promote the trip and regularly share short videos from platforms like YouTube that showcase your destination in the classroom.

Encourage students to get creative with a logo design competition for the trip! Let the winner’s logo be admired on t-shirts and other trip materials. You could even take things one step further by inviting more people to join your trip by opening registration to other classes, grades, schools and clubs. The more the merrier!


It’s absolutely integral to make yourself available to answer any questions students and parents may have about your trip. Ensure your contact information is easily found and share your willingness to answer questions for anyone, at any time. Parents will feel more at ease knowing you’re available and willing to keep the lines of communication open and clear. This includes sharing paperwork and holding a number of open informational meetings for interested parents and students. It’s also smart to keep track of any questions you receive and then publish a list of FAQs for future use.


When planning out the dates for your trip, be sure you’re accounting for every possible potential conflict. Take a look at your school’s calendar and, check with school administrators, including your Principal, to avoid big games, tests, breaks, etc. in order to avoid having to make students choose between attending your trip or another big milestone at the school.

Time is also valuable when it comes to fundraising. The top factor usually preventing students from attending a trip is lack of adequate funds. Be sure to immediately get into fundraising mode once you’ve secured your trip details with ETI. A bounty of options exist, from hosting bake sales, car washes, etc. Don’t be afraid to get creative, either! Approach local businesses or past donors to see if they’re interested in donating or sponsoring a student’s trip, or consider offering payment installations. Additionally, encourage students to apply for available educational travel scholarships, like those from the SYTA Youth Foundation.


Of course, it’s natural for parents and/or school boards to have questions regarding safety on a student trip. Ease their minds by outlining exactly what steps are being taken to keep students safe while on the road. ETI—which is a Certified Student Travel Organization (CSTO)—puts safety at the forefront at all times. From liability insurance and strict criteria when choosing motorcoach companies/transport groups, to hiring security guards to watch over student halls at night and assigning groups their own dedicated tour director, ETI’s extensive experience ensures that we’ve thought of everything. This leaves educators and students with the bandwidth to truly soak up all that comes with an unforgettable trip. ETI’s team can also be reached 24/7 to get an emergency message to travelers during a tour, so parents can rest assured their child can always be reached.


Give students background on their destination before the trip to provide as much context as possible so that once they’ve arrived, the experience is as enriching as possible. In addition, outline all the educational benefits of your itinerary so families can see what their students will get out of the experience. Beyond the value of seeing history come to life before their eyes, ensure students and their families understand the power of travel and how it can help students build independence, expand their world view, grow their understanding of other cultures, build life-long memories and much more.

Courtesy of ETI.


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